Thursday, 4 July 2013

July 4, 2013

A few more of my favorite things

I put my feet up before and after a brisk walk in the sunshineNow, that might not sound like much of a feat :) but I beg to differ.  First of all, I had time to do it. What a lovely gift that was. I had perfect weather. I had fewer pounds weighing me down. I had energy and physical health to be able to walk. What a blessing.

For so many, including myself, that's not always the case. I spent six weeks this past winter when muscle strain in my back and legs resulted in nearly constant pain. I couldn't walk, sit, stand, or lie comfortably. Thankfully, after chiropractors, massage, acupuncture, and time, all I have is the occasional twitch that reminds me to stretch, or pay the price. It helped me to understand, through this glimpse, what people in chronic pain have to deal with everyday. For this, for the healing, and for His beautiful world to walk and enjoy, I thank God.

I realize there will be a time when physical mobility isn't possible for me. You, see, my mother-in-law and I had walked to the seniors' lodge this morning, There, they sit. Some can still walk independently, and some use walkers, but none have the independence to just "go" for a walk. 

Happy Independence Day.
It's a small thing, but it's so big.

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